**Today** – Virtual Meeting – Grow the Disability, Neurodivergent, and Chronically Ill Community at TU: Complete a Survey

The Disability, Neurodiverse, and Chronically Ill (aka Disability+) Faculty and Staff Association invites you to help plan the frequency of meetings, types of content, communication channels, initiatives, and programming for TU’s newest affinity group.

Please share your preferences via this Microsoft Form. You will need to sign in with your NetID so that you are added to our email list. Then, join us on Zoom at 3 PM on Tuesday, November 28 to review trends and plan for Spring. Here are the meeting details:

This group is for all disabled, neurodivergent, and chronically ill TU workers and allies. All are welcome!! It aims to promote fellowship, facilitate personal plus professional growth, and provide resources while supporting the university’s mission of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

All are welcome, all disclosures are voluntary, none are necessary, and we are committed to facilitating accessible and participatory experiences. Please share your access needs or additional comments with the Co-Chairs: Contact Brittni Ballard at bballard@towson.edu and Kathy Peters at kepeters@towson.edu. In support and solidarity!

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This post was written by Rinnier, Amy M.