TU employee engagement survey extended: Help us reach 100% participation!

The TU employee engagement survey has been extended to February 20, 2023.  All regular and contingent II faculty and staff hired prior to October 1, 2022 have received an email invitation for TU’s employee engagement survey.  The email came directly from “Great Colleges” and was titled “2023 Towson University Great Colleges to Work for Survey”.  Reminders will be sent directly from Great Colleges for those that have not replied.  Please note that reminder emails will reference communication from TU and are not phishing.

We continue to be grateful for the faculty and staff that have completed the survey and have extended the date in our goal of reaching 100% participation.  Your responses will ensure an accurate representation of our campus community, and every individual response is important.  In addition, the survey is completely confidential and voluntary.  TU will be provided responses in aggregate form by ModernThink and individual responses will not be reported to the university.  Once the aggregate results are analyzed, the campus community will be informed of key findings.



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This post was written by Lam, Irene M.