USM Winter Wellness Workshops Tomorrow

Decompress and destress with ComPsych® GuidanceResources® tomorrow, December 20, 2022, with a full day of wellness webinars! These free workshops are open to all USM employees. To view the available sessions with descriptions and register, please visit: USM Winter Wellness Workshops.

Click a workshop title below to register. Registration is required to join. Once registered, all important information on joining the webinar will be sent directly to the registrant’s email. Unable to attend the live webinar? Following each session, the registration links below will become links to the recorded webinar.

For more information about benefits provided through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), go to TU Employee Assistance Program.

Please direct questions to Amy Levine, Training and Organizational Development Specialist in the Office of Human Resources.


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This post was written by Lam, Irene M.