A new and improved TechHelp launches June 13

On June 13, TechHelp will be updated to a new, easy-to-use and modern online service request and knowledge management system. The name “TechHelp” is not changing, but you’ll notice the updated look when you log in and it will still be accessed through  techhelp.towson.edu.

This improvement will roll out in phases:

  • June 13Initial launch of the Service Desk (ticketing), Service Catalog and limited knowledge base.
  • June 14 through August: expansion of the knowledge base and continued improvements based on feedback
  • Fall 2022: service dashboard (outages, alerts) and ongoing development of knowledge base

Project-related questions can be directed to the project manager, Julia Mooney at jmooney@towson.edu, or the Chief Technology Officer, Patrick Rohe at prohe@towson.edu. Visit towson.edu/techhelp for a project overview.

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This post was written by Weldon, Jennifer