TODAY – Thesis Dissertation Defense for Kevin Antoszewski

The Geography & Environmental Planning graduate program in the College of Liberal Arts is pleased to announce the thesis dissertation defense of Kevin Antoszewski on Monday, May 9, 1:00-2:30pm on Zoom. The title of Kevin’s dissertation is Offshore Wind Power: Perspectives from Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Dr. Jeremy Tasch is the thesis advisor.


Expanded interest in offshore wind power has led to increasing infrastructure development pressure in coastal regions of the world’s oceans. Through the ocean’s reacknowledged ability to serve as a site of power generation, it is actively reterritorialized as a part of the emerging renewable energy “land”scape. Community conflict over offshore wind power development is contextualized by the process of reterritorializing ocean spaces. An initial examination of case studies shows that an individual’s reasons for opposition and support are complex and attributing opposition to not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY) attitudes does not always hold water. Through semi-structured, open ended interviews with various stakeholders in Ocean City Maryland, this research will peer purposefully into the depths of support and opposition for proposed offshore wind projects.

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This post was written by Zyne, Paula C.