Visit the Art Exhibition “Forever Indonesian” with the Asian Faculty and Staff Association.

On Tuesday, Apr. 12, from 12 to 1 p.m., the Asian Faculty and Staff Association will tour the “Forever Indonesian” exhibit at the Asian Arts and Culture Center, Center for the Arts (COFAC) building, CA 2038.

After visiting the exhibit, feel free to purchase lunch at the Arts Cafe and socialize with fellow AFSA members.

If you have questions or need accommodation, contact Dr. Ming C. Tomayko at

Additionally, you may contact LaVern Chapman at or by phone at 410-704-0203.

On Tuesday, Apr. 12, from 12 to 1 p.m., the Asian Faculty and Staff Association will tour the “Forever Indonesian” exhibit at the Asian Arts and Culture Center, Center for the Arts (COFAC) building, CA 2038.     After visiting the exhibit, feel free to purchase lunch at the Arts Cafe and socialize with fellow AFSA members.     If you have questions or need accommodation, contact Dr. Ming C. Tomayko at     Additionally, you may contact LaVern Chapman at or by phone at 410-704-0203.

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This post was written by Skabar, Dana