PAGS Department – Spring 2022 Seminar Series

Join the PAGS Department for the Spring 2022 Seminar Series featuring:

Dr. Kevin L. Jensen,
Theoretical Physicist
Materials & Systems Branch
Naval Research Laboratory

The Physics of Shakespeare
William Shakespeare had a way of equivocally and obscurely including references to the emerging scientific theories in his most celebrated plays, mentions of which would cause the less eloquent of that time to run afoul of state and ecumenical authorities. In this presentation, the physics behind a number of the scientific ideas circulating in the Bard’s day that he alludes to in those plays is discussed, including infinity, doubt, the perigee of the Moon, planetary orbits, celestial skies, optics, rainbows, the nature of time and light, and the emerging distinction between dark and white “magic.”

Friday, March 4, 2022
SC 1230

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This post was written by Charles, Amanda G.