Call for Presenters: TUSS Staff Development Conference

theme with pictures of TU staff

TU staff members in every division have worked creatively, collaboratively, and confronted unique challenges to push what’s possible for the entire TU community through one of the most challenging periods of the university’s long history. Now it’s time for us to reconnect, reflect on all that we’ve learned, and set goals for the future at our annual spring conference on March 23, 2022.  The theme this year is “Make an Impact: Push What’s Possible.”

If you have an idea for a workshop that will broaden and advance an employee’s professional and personal well-being, the TU Staff Senate (TUSS) Staff Development Conference Committee invites you to submit a proposal by November 5.

The committee encourages presenters to consider incorporating one or more of the following content areas in developing their proposals:

• Lessons learned from the past year, new skills acquired, or impactful ideas that can be expanded and exchanged.
• Strategies and support for post-pandemic life and transitioning to a “new normal” at work and/or at home.
• Tangible ways you’ve pushed what’s possible on your team, in your department or division, or in a personal way that has strengthened the way you work and may help others do the same.

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This post was written by Pace, Bethany M.