Today! TU Accessibility Showcase: Gaming with Assistive Technology and Paralympic Training with Ross Minor 

Join OTS Accessibility and TU’s Accessibility Special Interest Group TODAY for a special virtual event! 

Ross Minor is a YouTube celebrity in the accessibility world. He’s known as a gamer that plays Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Mortal Kombat, The Last of Us 2, and Magic: the Gathering, built his own computer, and is currently training as a Paralympic swimmer- and Ross just happens to be blind. Join us for a virtual session with Ross to learn how he uses how assistive technology to play video games, about his experiences in academia, and Paralympic training. 

  • Event: TU Accessibility Showcase: Gaming with Assistive Technology and Paralympic Training with Ross Minor 
  • Date: TODAY 
  • Time: 3-4 p.m. 
  • RSVP: register now 
  • Hosted byOTS Accessibility and the Accessibility Special Interest Group 

This event is open to TU students, faculty, and staff. A valid TU Zoom account and NetID are required to access link. 

For more information about this event, contact 

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This post was written by Weldon, Jennifer