The Human Library


The Human Library
Tuesday, October 22nd, and Wednesday,
October 23rd
12:00pm – 4:00pm
University Union, RMS 314, 315, and 316


A Human Book is a person who has volunteered to challenge prejudice through respectful conversation with members of the public, who borrow them. They will have a title that relates to their experience of prejudice and/or discrimination.

Our collection will be composed of individuals representing groups in our Towson University community that are somehow exposed to stigma, prejudice and/or discrimination. Meet our “books”, break down societal prejudices, and get a deeper understanding of the TU community. Remember: “Don’t Judge a Book by the Cover”. Interested in volunteering as a book? Register at Send inquiries to Saidat Adeleke,

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This post was written by Baker, Cynthia M.