Finding technology and support at TU:10 things students need to know

The Office of Technology Services (OTS) welcomes you to the fall semester! Be sure to save these 10 TU technology-related links for future reference:

  1. Student Computing Services (SCS) provides technology resources and support. This includes Service Desks, Computer Labs, ResNet support, Multimedia support, VR, equipment loans, and studios. You can also get laptop software-issues fixed: call 410-704-5151, text 410-324-7271, or visit our locations at CK 35 or TR 123. Visit the SCS webpage for chat support or to see lab computer availability in real time.
  2. Live in West Village?  Get help or use lab computers at SCS’ Towson Run location until 2 a.m. during the week. See hours.
  3. Need to print? Use one of the 24 on-campus wēpa kiosks, including the new 7800 York road location. See kiosk availability and learn how to print from your phone, laptop, USB, Google Drive and OneDrive accounts, or Blackboard course at
  4. TU Blackboard support is available on campus: or call us at 410-704-5151.
  5. Get free group or customized training on services like Microsoft Excel, WordPress, OneDrive through OTS Training.
  6. TechOverture provides a list of resources for students. Get information on using NetIDs, accessing email, registration and records, logging into courses in Blackboard, storing files, accessing Wi-Fi, using OneCard and more technology topics important to student life at TU.
  7. Follow us on social media for tech info that affects the campus, including Blackboard, cybersecurity, classroom technology, student topics, training, & major computing service outage news: Twitter: @TechAtTU, Facebook: @TechnologyAtTU  Instagram: @towson_scs
  8. Access many campus applications from anywhere using the Virtual Workspace at
  9. Forward all suspicious emails to the Office of Information Security at
  10. Get free or discounted software.
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This post was written by Weldon, Jennifer