Interested in the Digital Humanities? We have an Invitation for You!

Three TU faculty members have formed a Digital Humanities Special Interest Group (SIG) through the School of Emerging Technologies.

This group invites faculty from various academic disciplines to explore Digital Humanities tools and methods. For the purposes of this group, anyone using digital tools to enhance their teaching or research in disciplines concerned with the experience of being human counts as a digital humanist. We will meet two to three times each semester in the interest of cultivating an interdisciplinary community of practice, raising awareness about Digital Humanities among faculty and students. In addition, we will distribute information about publication/ presentation opportunities, provide opportunities to request Cook Library investment in DH-related resources, and brainstorm ways to support a DH major on campus.

If you would like to be a part of this SIG, we invite you to our inaugural meeting:

Friday, March 28th
1:30pm to 2:30pm
Cook Library 404B and on Zoom (Meeting ID: 919 7060 7912 Passcode: 25111783)

Thanks to FACET, lunch will be provided for those who attend in-person.


Please RSVP by Tuesday, March 25th


Don’t hesitate to reach out to the coordinators [Joyce Garczynski (), Christina Gibson (), Victoria McAlister ()] with questions or even just to talk more.


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This post was written by Garczynski, Joyce V.