Critical Pedagogy in Turbulent Times
We are pleased to invite you to join us for a workshop with Dr. Loretta LeMaster, Associate Professor at Arizona State University. Dr. LeMaster will lead a hands-on critical pedagogy workshop for faculty who are interested in implementing new and different ways to facilitate learning during this time of great uncertainty and crisis. Dr. LeMaster will briefly talk about her new book, Pedagogies of the Enfleshed, before leading activities focused on breath, non-binary pedagogy, syllabus language, de-escalation, and zine creation. The activities are designed for faculty to take into the classroom and use with their own students.
Information: April 11, 2025, 10am-12pm in UU329. Light breakfast and coffee will be available. At 12pm, participants are invited to stay for lunch and engage in informal discussion with others and Dr. LeMaster.
Registration is free but required. Please register here. Questions? Contact Michael Tristano (
This event is co-sponsored by the Department of Communication Studies, FACET, and COFAC.
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Cross, Tammy M.