Seeking Diverse Participants for Cutting-Edge Muscle Research

Towson University Research Study


Purpose: Our research team is conducting a study to determine the effects of different backgrounds (e.g., sex, gender, race, and ethnicity) on skeletal muscle quality and function.

Research participants must meet the following criteria:

  • Between 18-45 years of old
  • Successful completion of Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire
  • Successful completion of Physical Activity Questionnaire
  • Successful completion of Demographic Questionnaire
  • Individuals with known injury that would prevent them from completing exercise tests or with a history of surgical treatment in the area interest for ultrasound measurements will not be included in the study.

Testing will include:

  • One visit to the research lab at Towson University (~2 hrs)
  • Free clinical testing for bone density (DXA) and physical performance


If interested, please contact:

Andrea Barton, MS (


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This post was written by Clairmont, Cassidy J.