Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences Present Spring ’25 Seminar Series
Fri., Feb. 21, 2025 │ 11am – 12noon
Science Complex, room 1230
Nano & Materials Science using Transmission Electron Microscopy at NRL
Speaker: Todd Brintlinger, Research Physicist, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
As the corporate laboratory for the Dept. of the Navy, the Naval Research Laboratory supports a wide variety of basic research programs, many of which involve the development, characterization, and application of novel materials engineered at the nanoscale. This seminar will describe how transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is an essential component of this research, including a short background on what TEM is, how this capability is integral to science and Naval needs at NRL, and how specific techniques are employed to answer fundamental scientific questions. In short, we use TEM to look at 2d materials with atomic resolution, to describe complicated three-dimensional catalytic aerogels using electron tomography, and in situ techniques that probe phase transitions and high-temperature behavior. Lastly, with a background in Physics, I will also briefly describe my own career path and a general overview of Physics in the US.
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Charles, Amanda G.