Judges Needed for Maryland History Day Contest

Maryland Humanities invites you to serve as a judge in Baltimore County as students showcase their History Day projects focused on the theme of Rights and Responsibilities in History.

Each year more than 25,000 middle and high school students in classrooms throughout Maryland immerse themselves in in-depth research and create original documentaries, exhibits, performances, research papers, or websites exploring a breadth of historical topics within the annual theme. As they progress through competitions at the school, district, state, and national levels, students rely on volunteers like you to evaluate their projects and help them improve skills they have developed throughout the process.

This year the Baltimore County contest will be held in-person at Towson University on the morning of Saturday, March 1, 2025.  (Contest Held Virtually on Saturday, March 8 if a Weather Event Occurs)


Directions for Signing Up to Judge


To sign up to judge for the Maryland History Day Contest:

  1. Go to https://md-bcdc.nhd.org
  2. Go to the “Create Account” section, found on the right or bottom of the page *Returning judges must create a new account annually*
  3. Enter your name and email address and click ‘Create Account’ to start the process. Verify your information and indicate that you’re registering as a judge using the drop down menu. Please note that the system will automatically generate a username that is a composite of your first and last name, without spaces (e.g. KimFortney). You may change your username.
  4. You will receive an email from NoReply@zfairs.com. Follow the link in the email to continue registration
  5. Complete Judge’s Personal Information.
  6. IMPORTANT: Write down your username and password. You will need them later.
  7. Complete the judging preference questions on the next page. We use all of this information to give you a judging assignment.
  8. Indicate your agreement with the required permissions and waivers on the last page.


What Happens Next?

After you sign up to judge, you will receive an automatic confirmation of your registration by email from Zfairs.com which may land in your spam folder. You will be contacted in late February leading up to the contest with training information and logistics.


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This post was written by Baker, Cynthia M.