Spring 25 Faculty-Advisor Support Workshops

The Academic Advising, Retention, and Completion (AARC) office is kickstarting its Spring 25 Faculty Advisor Support Workshops!

A full-day comprehensive workshop will be held Friday, Feb 21st from 10am to 3:30pm in the TU Science Complex (Rm 2125). This workshop is perfect for new advisors, or those simply looking for a deep dive into best practices, new academic policies, and student support resources. A lunch voucher for up to 15 dollars will be included for all attendees.

Additionally, there will be two 1-hour workshops this and next month:

  • Feb 28th, 12pm to 1pm, Zoom: TU Academic Policies and Populations: This hour will focus on up-to-date TU academic advising policies and student communities.
  • March 7th, 12pm to 1pm, Zoom: All Things Transfer Student: This hour will focus on the ends and outs of advising transfer students from orientation beyond.

Please feel free to share this with anyone you think would be interested! Please RSVP here. 

For questions please reach out to Xochilt Lamas at tlamas@towson.edu

Download the flyer below:
Spring 25 Faculty Advisor Workshop Flyer (1)

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This post was written by Karp, Robert J.