Register for tomorrow’s virtual workshop on planning, organization, and time management (open to ALL TU students!)
Join ADS for a one-hour executive functioning workshop to start the spring semester on the right foot. We will develop skills to overcome barriers to success, including time management and organization. We will discuss practical strategies, answer questions, and help students figure out a plan that will work for them. This workshop is open to ALL TU students. Join us for either our virtual or in-person session:
VIRTUAL: Friday, February 7th, 1-2 PM (we will be emailing a zoom link to registrants closer to the date)
IN-PERSON: Wednesday, February 12th, 3-4 PM (located in UU 349)
Questions? Email Meredith Browder ( or Amy Pryor (
Spring 2025 EF Workshop Flyer (2)
Tags: Accessibility & Disability Services, Accessibility and Disability Services, ADS, Executive Functioning, student workshopCategorised in: Students
This post was written by Rinnier, Amy M.