Honors College Faculty Fellows and Teaching in TU Honors

When:    October 28, 2024
Time:      11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Where:    Cook Library, Room 404B (FACETs Active Learning Lab)

Summary: Faculty are invited to learn about and work on proposals at any stage for the new Honors College Faculty Fellows program and teaching Honors College courses! Courses sought include upper-level, interdisciplinary, seminar-based courses and High Impact Practice (HIPs) courses. Includes short introduction of the parameters of these courses and the Honors Faculty Fellows program from the Honors College Dean and Honors Faculty Director and an opportunity for immediate feedback on draft proposals. Access to preparation materials provided in advance to participants who sign up by 10/20.


11-11:20: Introduction and Overview – Honors College Curriculum and Goals
11:20-11:30 – Q&A
11:30-12:15 – workshopping of course proposals and Fellows applications
12:15-12:45 – lunch* and networking
12:45-1pm – Review and Closing

*Lunch provided by FACET.  Please register here



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This post was written by Cross, Tammy M.