Kinesiology Majors: Earn a $25 Gift Card by Participating in a Study on Inclusive Fitness Spaces!

Join a study led by Dr. Luciana Zuest and colleagues to help create more inclusive fitness environments.

Why Participate?

  • Gain knowledge in developing inclusive fitness spaces.
  • Contribute to important research.
  • Earn a $25 gift card!

What’s Involved?

  • Complete a pre-survey.
  • Participate in a 2-hour self-paced online course.
  • Finish with a post-survey.


  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Must be a Kinesiology major in one of the following areas: Physical Education, Sport Management, Fitness and Wellness Leadership, Exercise Science, or Athletic Training.


For more information or to join, email or click here to start!


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This post was written by Clairmont, Cassidy J.