Physics Seminar: Paleoseismicity in Cascadia
Seismic reflection imagery aids reconstructions of late Quaternary earthquake history at Lake Crescent, Washington, USA
Speaker: Grant Colip, Physical Scientist, USGS Florence Bascom Geoscience Center
A summary: “The sub-bottom sediment record at Lake Crescent, Olympic National Park, Washington serves as an important archive of Holocene earthquake events, including activity related to the Cascadia Subduction Zone and local upper-crustal faults. When combined with existing datasets from sediment cores, LiDAR, and bathymetry, newly acquired geophysical data (seismic reflection surveys) from the lake allow us to better resolve the timing, distribution, and impacts of event layers related to earthquakes. These interpretations and findings highlight the utility of lake deposits for understanding seismic hazards to the Olympic Peninsula and western Washington.”
Friday, Sept. 20, 2024
11:00 – 11:50am
Science Complex, Room 1230
For more information click on the following link:
Department of Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences | Towson University
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Charles, Amanda G.