June TUSS News for Staff
The Towson University Staff Senate (TUSS) is the advocate body for all university staff employees. All TU staff are general members of the Senate and are encouraged to attend general meetings. Our meetings are opportunities for all staff employees to be involved in institutional planning and amplify staff input. Join us!
- Year-end deadlines are posted, please review them and ensure you meet them. Year-End Deadlines and Pre-Close Guidance
- Stratus and Travel Training sessions are available for you. Please drop in and attend them. https://www.towson.edu/stratus/training.html
- The budget team would like to thank everyone for their patience. Phase 2 budgets are out and due back by June 17.
- The budget office anticipates tight years in FY26 and F27, but TU remains fiscally sound.
- Dunkin Donuts, The Den by Denny’s, and 7720 Cafe are open for your dining pleasure. Bento Sushi is also open in the Union; however, you must order through GrubHub. Link: https://towson.campusdish.com/
- New carpet is being installed in the 7720 Cafe the week of June 17, 2024, so plan accordingly.
- TU Procurement is launching a Buy Better Challenge June 17 – August 23, 2024. Maximize the percentage of Purchasing Card dollars you spend at small, minority, or veteran-owned businesses! Purchasers with the highest percentage of overall spend will be eligible for a prize. More information will be emailed and posted in TU Today.
- Amazon lockers ON-CAMPUS and ONLY ON-CAMPUS are acceptable delivery options for Amazon purchases, assuming they are made within all other applicable procurement policies.
- If you have not completed your annual compliance training, you must complete it to receive any eligible merit increase. Contact your HR partner if you have questions. Link: https://www.towson.edu/hr/current/development/
- There is a small full-year telework pilot program looking at expanding some positions to 3-4 days of telework. The pilot is currently full. There is no plan for any 100% telework positions coming to Towson University.
- Staff working remotely are encouraged to contact their departmental phone coordinator to submit a TechHelp ticket requesting WebEx integration with their individual office line for inbound and outbound calls. Staff working remotely should not be advising others that they cannot be reached simply due to teleworking.
- Performance Review season is upon us. Performance reviews should be completed even if an employee is leaving or transferring. https://www.towson.edu/hr/current/performance.html
- Discussion was held on performance reviews. HR encourages supervisors when an employee changes positions mid-year, the current supervisor should reach out to the previous supervisor for insight, but ultimately the current supervisor is responsible for the performance review.
- Email updates have been sent out related to pay structure updates. Emails have begun being sent out to employees directly impacted.
- Any employee active on 07/01/2024 will receive 3% COLA (cost of living adjustment) to their pay.
- After the 3% COLA, eligible employees will also receive any merit increase. A table of merit increase structure was provided via email sent to employees on May 17, 2024.
- Discussion was held on annual equity adjustments. Employees cannot request their own adjustment; however, HR stated they do review pay tables and occasionally do recommend adjustments directly to supervisors.
- Information regarding any equity adjustments will be released to applicable employees closer to July 1, 2024.
- HR also shared that we continue to have a great number of long-term employees—8% (about 1 in every 12) of our staff employees were hired before January 1, 2000.
- 2024-2025 Council of University System Staff Representatives were announced: Primary: Jennifer Walsh, Deniz Erman, Brian Jara; Alternate: Liz Kelly, Siobhan Keplinger, Anthony Skevakis
- 2024-2025 TUSS Executive Board members were announced: Secretary – Liz Kelly, Treasurer – Keisha Bownes, Communications Officer – Greg Primrose, Vice Chair – Andrew Rosenblum, Chair – Heather Sorensen
- Thank you to the dedicated Senators who are completing their terms: Saidat Adeleke, Kim Campion, Hassan Sanda
- Motion made, seconded and passed to accept the proposed bylaw changes.
- HR made a short presentation about what new employees appreciate about TU, with highlights including inclusion and institutional knowledge, esp. the willingness of people to share it.
- The next TUSS general meeting is July 17, 2024. Send agenda items to TUSS@towson.edu before July 7 please. General members are welcome to submit items for consideration and encouraged to attend online.
- The TUSS Awards Committee and the TUSS Events and Engagement Committee are open to general members. If you’re interested in joining, reach out to TUSS@towson.edu.
- Affinity groups are ways to connect with other staff and faculty: https://www.towson.edu/inclusionequity/diversity/groups/.
- TU HR training calendar and more professional development opportunities: https://www.towson.edu/hr/current/development/
- Your anonymous feedback is welcome: https://www.towson.edu/about/administration/staff-senate/feedback.html
QUESTION FOR STAFF: Would and your family attend a TU Employee Appreciation Day at an amusement park or other off-campus location? Send use your feedback at TUSS@towson.edu or anonymously via https://www.towson.edu/about/administration/staff-senate/feedback.html
Top Tiger
Top Tigers receive a recognition certificate and a lunch credit in honor of their work making TU a great place! If you have received exceptional service from a staff member, please nominate them for a Top Tiger Award. TU faculty, staff and students can nominate TU staff members by submitting a Top Tiger Nomination Form: https://www.towson.edu/about/administration/staff-senate/staff-awards/top-tiger-award.html
Congratulations Top Tigers:
- Yuan (Melissa) Yuan – International Student & Scholar Office
- Donna Rogers – Department of Finance, College of Business and Economics
- Kelly Cook – Office of Technology Services
- Rhodri Evans – Office of the Provost
TUSS Meeting: July 17, 2024, 1 p.m.
Zoom Direct Link: https://towson-edu.zoom.us/j/98702752003?pwd=N05Id3JZTEhxM2Z4ZUNBRk5OSDAvUT09
Meeting ID: 987 0275 2003
Passcode: TUSSZoom
Towson University Faculty/Staff Appreciation Celebration: June 26 from 3 to 7 p.m. Tiger Plaza
Incoming Senator Spotlight
Zach Runge | he/him/his | Program Specialist | Communication Studies – College of Fine Arts and Communication
How long have you worked at TU?
I’ve worked at TU since April of 2022. I was previously a student and earned my undergraduate degree in Fall 2019.
What is your department and what does your position entail?
I work in the Department of Communication Studies, which serves almost 500 students majoring and minoring in communication or cultural studies. As the department’s program specialist, I am responsible for building and maintaining our course schedules, as well as overseeing our advising efforts and serving as an advisor to our students. I also coordinate our internship program and handle the marketing, outreach, and recruitment efforts of the department.
What do you enjoy the most about your job?
I love working with students – they are the reason I am in higher education. Being able to work alongside students as they achieve academic and professional success is the most rewarding part of my job.
What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
I am an avid consumer of Bravo reality shows. I have watched almost every installment of The Real Housewives (some more than once), as well as Married to Medicine.
Why did you decide to get involved with the TUSS?
I got involved with TUSS because I think it’s extremely important to advocate for and celebrate all that we do across TU. I am excited to grow my own connections around campus while also being able to learn more about the issues we face and working on initiatives to increase the resources and support available to us.
Please visit our website for more information about TUSS, details about upcoming meetings, the list of senators, and details about staff awards: https://www.towson.edu/tuss.
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Primrose, Greg