Earn a $25 Amazon Gift Card: Recruiting LGBTQIA+ Students for In-Depth Interviews

Title: Earn a $25 Amazon Gift Card: Recruiting LGBTQIA+ Students for In-Depth Interviews

We are recruiting participants interested in conducting a semi-structured interview with us to discuss how different environments and circumstances have prompted them to reveal their queer identity and how those experiences have impacted their identity. Participants should be 18-25 years old and identify as queer or with other LGBTQIA+ identities, (regardless of gender identity). Interviews will be conducted in person in a private, empty, library study room at a convenient time for participants. The interview should take about one hour, and participants will be compensated with a $25.00 amazon gift card for their participation.  

 To participate, please contact Jasmine Queen (jqueen3@students.towson.edu or 301-655-8336) or Jennifer Potter (jpotter@towson.edu or 410-704-2888).

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This post was written by Malkus, Laura K.