May TUSS News for Staff
The Towson University Staff Senate (TUSS) is the advocate body for all university staff employees. All TU staff are general members of the Senate and are encouraged to attend general meetings. Our meetings are opportunities for all staff employees to be involved in institutional planning and amplify staff input. Join us!
- VP Bradley talked about new Title IX regulations being published. Must be implemented by August 1, 2024. OIIE has been tasked to review and provide recommendations for implementation.
- Save the Date – Towson University DEI Summit – Friday, November 1, 2024.
- Center for Student Diversity received a grant for expanding secular dialogue on campus.
- President Ginsberg addressed the Senate offering appreciation for those who attended and participated in his inauguration. He offered an update on the legislative session in Annapolis. He discussed exploring a new budget model at TU with support from shared governance bodies. COLA and Merit were discussed, see email from Human Resources on 5/17/2024 regarding specifics.
- HR partners are ready to assist with questions related to COLA and Merit raises.
- Stratus team is working on year-end processing. Please watch your inbox for updates. Year End Deadlines:
- Review your budgets and if you find erroneous items, reach out for help.
- Business Travel information:
- Congratulations to Dr. Alison McCartney who was named Dean of the Honors College.
- Congratulations to Taylor Richardson ‘23 on being the first U.S. student to receive the prestigious McCall-MacBain scholarship.
- Performance reviews are coming up! Visit for more information.
- REMINDER to review your position description with your supervisor and ensure it is accurate.
- If you have not completed your annual compliance training, complete it:
- Telework renewal period has opened. Please complete forms by the end of June.
- Departments who hire Federal Work Study students over the summer should complete this form: If your FWS students are not returning until the fall, use this form: Federal Work Study Recertification Form (PDF)
- Smith Hall demo will begin in earnest after finals are completed. There will be a significant increase in construction traffic.
- SVP Lowenthal gave kudos to Student Affairs staff and those who helped with the Late-Night Breakfast event in the dining halls on May 14.
- A small fire occurred in the University Union due to a personal office fan being left on overnight. Shoutout to Public Safety, EHS and Ops/Maintenance who all helped minimize any damages. Staff are reminded to turn off any fans or heaters when not in the office.
- Save the Dates for Staff Appreciation Week 2025 – April 21-25
- Motion Made, Seconded, and Passed allowing current staff senators to receive Top Tiger Awards provided they are not nominated by another staff senator. This will take effect next term year.
- Motion Made, Seconded, and Passed recommending a bylaw change to add 2 exempt and 2 non-exempt at-large senators in addition to filling the divisional positions created by the University Divisional Alignments.
- Introductions of 2024 elected senators: Incoming – Morgan Alleyne, Benjamin Crull, Stephen Gaede, Kirsten Granit, Zach Runge, Anthony Skevakis. Continuing – Vickie Hook, Andrew Rosenblum, Heather Sorensen
- The next TUSS general meeting is June 12, 2024. (second week due to Juneteenth holiday) Send agenda items to before June 3, please. General members are welcome to submit items for consideration and encouraged to attend online.
- The TUSS Awards Committee and the TUSS Events and Engagement Committee are open to general members. If you’re interested in joining, reach out to
- Affinity groups are ways to connect with other staff and faculty:
- TU HR training calendar and more professional development opportunities:
- Your anonymous feedback is welcome:
QUESTION FOR STAFF: What are the best methods to communicate with staff in your area?
Top Tiger
Top Tigers receive a recognition certificate and a lunch credit in honor of their work in making TU a great place! If you have received exceptional service from a staff member, please nominate them for a Top Tiger Award. TU faculty, staff and students can nominate TU staff members by submitting a Top Tiger Nomination Form:
Congratulations to recent Top Tiger award recipient:
- Nyasha Lumumba-Human Resources
TUSS Meeting: June 12, 2024, 1 p.m. Note: 2nd Week in June due to Juneteenth holiday.
Zoom Direct Link:
Meeting ID: 987 0275 2003
Passcode: TUSSZoom
Towson University Faculty/Staff Appreciation Celebration: June 26 from 3 to 7 p.m. Tiger Plaza
Incoming Senator Spotlight
Anthony Skevakis | he, him, his | Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
How long have you worked at TU?
Nearly 5 years!
What is your department and what does your position entail?
I serve our community in the Division of Student Affairs, and I report to Dr. Vernon Hurte. My formal title is Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students. Every day, I have had the pleasure of working directly with a talented team of directors who lead campus efforts in Assessment, Evaluation, and Strategic Planning; CCAMPIS Grant (support for child care for student parents); Student Outreach and Support (Care Team & Behavioral Intervention Team); Basic Needs Hub; Student Accountability and Restorative Practices; TUNE – Towson University North-Eastern Maryland; Civic Engagement & Social Responsibility; Military & Veteran Center; and Student Success Programs. I also facilitate and actively participate on several university level committees and work groups related to student success and safety.
What does a typical workday look like for you?
There is no typical workday. This keeps me fresh. We can’t schedule a crisis or moment when someone needs to just talk things through. Part of my role is to be nimble and shape shift to help meet the needs of our community – students, staff, and faculty alike. Sometimes it’s support related. Other times it might be a concerning mental health matter, a protest, or unique problem that requires some coordinated interventions.
What do you enjoy the most about your job?
There are two things that bring me tremendous joy. First, are the people that I work with. It’s a blessing to be surrounded by several talented and good people. Not all campuses are created equal in this regard. Second is, the ability to infuse solutions architecture to everything that I do.
What is your favorite place to eat on or around campus?
I am a fan of variety at lunch time, so I lean towards both The Glen and West Village. Locally off campus I like Silks on Allegheny. Their fried catfish is spectacular. A little farther off I like Pappas for their crab cakes.
What do you do to relax?
A few things come to mind because it depends on the time of year. In the fall and winter, I am an avid college football fan. In the spring, I am all about March Madness, mountain biking, and hiking.
If we were to create a TU playlist, what song would you want to include and why?
I am a fan of mashups. Little pieces of lots of songs all matched up perfectly. All kinds of genres. Even across decades. I migrate towards music that moves you. Like the kind makes you move or pinches your soul. DJ Earworm and Alejandro Barrera come to mind.
What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
I used to play the violin.
What’s one thing you wish you had known when you were a teenager?
How to pronounce .gif. Is it gif or jif?
If you could have any one skill or talent that you don’t already have, what would it be?
A radio voice.
What’s the proudest moment of your life?
This one is tough. I will pick one from my childhood. Defeating the state champ in wrestling.
Why did you decide to get involved with the TUSS?
Most of my early career was spent working directly with students. I learned a lot about accompaniment and the art of helping someone elevate or find their voice. Now I work with the people, who work with the people, who work closely with students. It’s time to be that voice.
Describe what you have learned (or hope to learn) during your time in TUSS?
Over 1/3 of our waking hours are spent at work. For some of us work is a transactional job. For others it’s a calling. No judgement here. Both are valued. For me, it is a place for potential to be unlocked. I intend to advocate for the continued growth of a positive work culture and atmosphere of belonging.
Please visit our website for more information about TUSS, details about upcoming meetings, the list of senators, and details about staff awards:
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Primrose, Greg