Sabbatical Presentation by Jonathan Leshnoff, Department of Music, College of Fine Arts and Communication

Jonathan Leshnoff, Professor in the Department of Music, presents his sabbatical talk on Thursday, May 9, at 3 p.m. in CFA 2079. The title of the presentation is: “A Composer’s Talks on the Composition and Performance of his new Oratorio, Saul.
Leshnoff’s sabbatical was focused on the composition of a new 45-minute oratorio, a symphonic work for orchestral, choir, and vocal soloists. The topic of his oratorio was the life of Biblical King Saul as retold in Samuel I. Leshnoff will detail the compositional process and share recorded excerpts from its recent premiere by the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra. He will detail his thought process, musical motifs for each character, allusions in the orchestral score, orchestrational detail, and impressions from the premiere. All are invited.

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This post was written by Malkus, Laura K.