Enjoy a Night of Improv with Osher at Towson University and ImprompTU

Making it Up as You Go: The Importance of Improv
Thursday, April 11, University Union
  • 5:30–6:30 p.m.: Networking reception
  • 6:30–8 p.m.: Lecture


Osher at Towson University‘s SPARK evening programming is back with an event that promises both levity and learning as the conversation homes in on what makes us laugh and why. Steven Gimbel and Michelle Faulkner-Forson pull back the curtain to show us how improvisation has become not just an entertaining comedic form, but a requirement for adapting to the curves everyday life throws at us. Get insight into the tenets, philosophy, and history of improv comedy while also having a good laugh. Enjoy a special appearance from Towson University’s own improv comedy group, ImprompTU.

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This post was written by Brown, Morgan E.