Inauguration Week Event: Inaugural Faculty Symposium

Join us for the Inaugural Faculty Symposium, moderated by President Ginsberg.

Topic: What is the Role of Higher Education in Global Well-Being?
Monday, April 1 | 3-4:30 p.m.
University Union Theater
Reception to follow in Union Ballroom A
Register here

Distinguished faculty from each of TU’s six academic colleges and Cook Library will engage in a think-tank style discussion about their research around a series of questions. Faculty participants include:

Jillian Fry, College of Health Professions
Kaitlyn Wilson, College of Health Professions
Sushma Kumble, College of Fine Arts & Communication
Nancy Siegel, College of Fine Arts & Communication
Pamela Lottero-Perdue, Fisher College of Science & Mathematics
John Sivey, Fisher College of Science & Mathematics
Salvatore Pappalardo, College of Liberal Arts
Aminata Sillah, College of Liberal Arts
Seth Gitter, College of Business & Economics
Stella Tomasi, College of Business & Economics
Todd Kenreich, College of Education
Chantal Francois, College of Education
Ashley Todd-Diaz, Cook Library
Carrie Price, Cook Library

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This post was written by Kelly, Elizabeth J.