TUSNA BINGO Night Sunday!

WHEN:  Sunday, March 10 from 3:00 – 6:00 PM

WHERE: University Union Ballroom A

Bingo cards only $1!

Towson University’s Student Nurses’ Association (TUSNA) will be hosting a bingo night fundraiser open to everyone on campus. Enjoy a night out with friends, FREE food & drinks, and try your luck at winning some amazing prizes: Visa Gift Cards, THB Bakery Gift Cards,  a certificate for 10 FREE beverages from Baltimore Tea & Coffee, and much more! The money TUSNA makes from fundraising events increases their ability to plan more campus events, provide transportation to volunteer opportunities for members, construct better learning resources for TU nursing students, and so much more.  Come support TUSNA!




If you are a nursing student and would like to become a member of TUSNA follow these steps:

  1. Head to the NSNA website and select join as a new member. The cost points are: $37 for a 1-year membership and $70 for a 2-year membership.
  2. After you have signed up for a membership, send your information to our Membership Chair, Taylor Ebodaghe at teboda1@students.towson.edu. In the subject line type: NEW TUSNA MEMBER. In the body of the email type your full name, cohort section or your major, and date of membership expiration.
  3. Login to Involve@TU and search TUSNA. Click join organization.
  4. Use the QR code below to access links to TUSNA’s Instagram, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Gmail, and Group Me for official members!
  5. If you have any broader questions, email tusna4u@gmail.com

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This post was written by Clairmont, Cassidy J.