Learn to code research data with NVIVO

Coding Your Data with NVIVO & Exploring Next Steps

Are you a faculty member or graduate student interested in learning more about collecting and analyzing mixed methods research data with NVIVO software? Join us in-person or online for this NVIVO training workshop presented by Stuart Robinson, Ph.D.

Dr. Stuart Robertson is a Platinum Level Certified NVIVO Trainer and an experienced educator who began working with NVivo during his doctoral coursework. For over 20 years, he has provided training and project consultation services worldwide for both individuals and organizations in the academic, government, non-profit, and commercial sectors.

Friday, March 8
11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Cook Library 526 or via Zoom


Presented by: Towson University Albert S. Cook Library, College of Education’s Office of Research & Evaluation and FACET

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This post was written by Miller, Kendall