January TUSS News for Staff
The Towson University Staff Senate (TUSS) is the advocate body for all university staff employees. All TU staff are general members of the Senate and are encouraged to attend general meetings. Our meetings are opportunities for all staff employees to be involved in institutional planning and amplify staff input. Join us!
- Academic Senate is reviewing sabbatical and professional leave policies for librarians. Both Senate chairs continuing discussion of staff representation on Academic Senate committees.
- Stratus:
- Launched 4 reports over winter break. Great Job!
- Progress being made on reports for grants.
- Travel Lab and WebEx Link: https://tutoday.towson.edu/2024/01/10/travel-lab-training-2-2/ The Travel Team is available to students, staff and faculty travelers before, during and after travel. Connect to them even on your mobile device!
- Shout outs were offered to AVP Eric Jones and his entire team as well as Office of Technology Services!
- The fully audited reports on Year End Financial State have not been received yet; however, projection is for a successful audit with no findings.
- Governor’s budget released on 1/17, but still being analyzed at TU. The signs point to a tight, but manageable budget.
- The new AVP of Administration & Finance (A&F) Michael Palmer has joined us from Colby College in Maine.
- There are a number of positions in A&F and other areas that remain open and the referral bonus program remains in place. Visit https://towson.taleo.net/careersection/ex/jobsearch.ftl to see open positions.
- Enrollment data continues to look positive and will help in building the budget.
- A number of changes have been announced for FASFA. Visit https://www.towson.edu/admissions/financialaid/apply/fafsa.html for up to date information and a guide. Refer others to the site as well.
- VP Lowenthal thanked everyone who made Winter Commencement successful.
- TU Today featured a compilation of highlights from 2023. https://www.towson.edu/news/2024/2023-year-in-review.html
- Coach Pat Skerry recorded his 200th career win against Stony Brook in Men’s Basketball.
- A number of promising football recruits were signed for the 2024 season.
- Check TU Today for information about recording timesheets during inclement weather delays and closings.
- Discussion was held regarding timing and clarity of messages regarding weather-related closing or delay. Operations rep reinforced that weather-related closings are based on safety of the campus community, not financially motivated.
- Human Resources (HR) reported on new standardized protocol for involuntary separation procedures for terminations for cause, terminations with notice, rejection on probation and reduction in workforce.
- Office of Public Safety will be notified of the separation date and will provide an officer in the area.
- The officer will not be present in the room, unless specifically requested by the department.
- Discussion was held on exit interviews.
- Data is housed in HR and typically shared in aggregate form, with themes being shared with leadership.
- Katie Maloney shared information and fielded questions about the current Maryland Legislative Session:
- A bill has been introduced to grant waivers if Maryland Correctional Enterprise (MCE) price exceeds 10% of the cost of other vendors.
- Bills related to Graduate Assistant collective bargaining are being introduced.
- A briefing will be held on Friday, 1/19, related to Kirwan Commission which will have an impact on TU as largest producing institution of educators.
- A focus in use of the capital budget will be to build a new electrical substation to meet future campus needs.
- Resource Planning and Allocation Committee (RPAC) subcommittee on Course Fees will meet on 1/26.
- TUSS Executive Board received an information gathering survey from Council of University System Staff (CUSS) and submitted to HR for completion.
- Hybrid Listening Session with President Ginsberg on February 8 at 4 p.m. Signup and more information to come.
- The Elections Committee will be meeting soon to finalize and announce elections plan.
- CUSS discussed advocacy for USM. Sharing facts and figures can only go so far, politicians and people like to hear stories and examples. Also remember that politicians are not subject matter experts in every field. University System of Maryland (USM) Advocacy Day in Annapolis is February 14.
- Announcement was made: Center for Student Diversity will present TU’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration on January 31 in the University Union. Register and attend; there will be a number of performances.
- Announcement was made: Dr. Ginsberg’s inauguration will be on April 5. More information will come via email in the coming weeks.
- Happy 2024!
- The next TUSS general meeting is February 21, 2024. Send agenda items to TUSS@towson.edu before February 13, please. General members are welcome to submit items for consideration and encouraged to attend.
- The TUSS Awards Committee and the TUSS Events and Engagement Committee are open to general members. If you’re interested in joining, reach out to TUSS@towson.edu.
- Affinity groups are ways to connect with other staff and faculty: https://www.towson.edu/inclusionequity/diversity/groups/.
- TU HR training calendar and more professional development opportunities: https://www.towson.edu/hr/current/development/
- Your anonymous feedback is welcome: https://www.towson.edu/about/administration/staff-senate/feedback.html
What does staff appreciation look like to you? Send your feedback to tuss@towson.edu
Top Tiger
Congratulations to Top Tigers Emi Izquierdo and Zach Runge!
Top Tigers receive a recognition certificate and a lunch credit in honor of their work in making TU a great place! If you have received exceptional service from a staff member, please nominate them for a Top Tiger Award. TU faculty, staff and students can nominate TU staff members by submitting a Top Tiger Nomination Form: https://www.towson.edu/about/administration/staff-senate/staff-awards/top-tiger-award.html
TUSS Meeting: February 21, 2024, 1 p.m.
Zoom Direct Link: https://towson-edu.zoom.us/j/98702752003?pwd=N05Id3JZTEhxM2Z4ZUNBRk5OSDAvUT09
Meeting ID: 987 0275 2003
Passcode: TUSSZoom
Hybrid Listening Session for Staff with President Ginsberg on February 8 at 4 p.m. (RSVP Information to Follow)
Annual Faculty & Staff Recognition: February 22, 2024, University Union
Council of University System Staff Meeting hosted at TU: April 9, 2024
Senator Spotlight
Senator Spotlight: Liz Kelly ( she/her) | Assistant Director for Events & Engagement | University Advancement.
How long have you worked at TU?
4 years in March
What is your department and what does your position entail?
University Promotions & Events is a small but mighty office! Our work is two-fold – we plan events on behalf of the Office of the President and University Advancement, and we also manage internal and external sponsorships. My primary responsibilities include managing all communications that come out of our office as well as event planning support.
What does a typical workday look like for you?
Every day is different (which I love), but you can often find me mapping out communication plans, working with campus partners on event logistics, and poking around in Salesforce.
What do you enjoy the most about your job?
Besides the fact that no two days are the same, I am fortunate to work with so many people across campus and in the community. I rarely spend a whole day at my desk.
What do you do to relax?
Relaxing doesn’t come easy with a six month old, but I love hiking, drawing, and traveling with my family.
What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
I love to paint and have designed signage for many of my friends’ weddings and showers.
If you could have any one skill or talent that you don’t already have, what would it be?
I wish I was a good singer (I think I’m good, but my husband would say otherwise).
What’s the proudest moment of your life?
Becoming a mom.
Why did you decide to get involved with the TUSS?
My supervisor encouraged me to join. After going through the President’s Inclusive Leadership Institute, TUSS seemed like a great way to continue to stay involved on campus and make an impact on behalf of my colleagues.
Please visit our website for more information about TUSS, details about upcoming meetings, the list of senators, and details about staff awards: https://www.towson.edu/tuss.
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Primrose, Greg