Writing Center Winter Pedagogy Workshop: Improving Peer Review

Attention, TU Faculty! Join the staff of TU’s Writing Center at an interactive workshop focused on peer review!

Three students working together in a review group at the TU Writing Center.Peer review is a common practice in writing-intensive courses, and while many faculty hope their students will use this dedicated time during class meetings to improve their formal writing assignments, it doesn’t always result in “better” papers.  At this workshop, faculty will hear from Writing Center staff about best practices in peer review activities. They will have a chance to work collaboratively with Writing Center tutors to improve assignment prompts, rubrics, and peer review plans. Participants should bring an assignment prompt, rubric, and/or peer review activity plan to the workshop.

The session will take place on Friday, January 12, from 1:00pm-3:00pm at the TU Writing Center (LA 5330).

Please R.S.V.P. using this form, and contact Mairin Barney at ebarney@towson.edu for more info.

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This post was written by Barney, E. Mairin