Sign up for QPR Training and learn to talk to and help a student in crisis
The TU Counseling Center is offering 90 minute trainings for you (student, staff or faculty), your dept, or your student organization to get trained in QPR- Question, Persuade, Refer. This evidence-based training provides you with the facts about suicide, the tools to confidently discuss potential suicide risk with a student or friend, and the knowledge and skills to refer them to the best resources for help.
TU Clinicians are certified QPR Trainers.
Join us at the Counseling Center on Friday, October 27th from 2-330pm to learn QPR in person. Attendees will receive a TU-branded cork-bottomed mug for completing the training. Single individuals or groups are welcome. Sign up here: or scan the QR code
Interested in QPR but this date does not work for your group? Request a training specifically for your group or department. We can accommodate anywhere between 5 and 30 participants per group.
Sign up here: or scan the attached QR code
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Rixham, Judith R.