September TUSS News for Staff

The Towson University Staff Senate (TUSS) is the advocate body for all university staff employees. All TU staff are general members of the senate and are encouraged to attend general meetings. Meeting agendas and minutes are posted to TUSS SharePoint. 


  • VP Bradshaw offered enrollment updates and a plan of strategic growth. 
  • VP Lowenthal reported that the ability to dismiss the public safety message will be reviewed. Audited budget reports should be available in December. We were able to meet our required fund balance contribution to the state. Our bond rating is AA+ and maintains a good interest rate on our bond debt.  
  • VP Lowenthal offered a shoutout to Public Safety, Student Affairs and Parking & Transportation Services for making Move In go smoothly.  
  • The AVP of Admin and Finance search has been reopened. If you know a good candidate, encourage them to apply. *Reminder* The new employee referral program has been launched.  
  • VPs Lowenthal and Hurte continue to work with Aramark Hospitality on improvements.  
  • AVP Eric Jones reported about Stratus. New reports have been published. Travel authorization report has been published and the inventory coordinator report is in beta testing. 10 attendees joined the session offered for Stratus training. Please continue to provide feedback about training needs and system use. A collaborative workgroup is being formed. If you are interested in joining, please contact 
  • VP Bradley announced that Towson University is a 4-time recipient of the Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) award.  
  • The DEIJ summit previously scheduled for November 3, 2023, is being rescheduled for the Spring.  
  • New AVP of Institutional Equity and Compliance, Joshua Hayes, has been hired. Welcome, Joshua! 
  • The significant Date calendar for calendar year 2024 is being reviewed. TUSS will have input.  
  • Electric Vehicles: There are 19 chargers in 8 locations. There has been feedback that is not enough. Messaging will go out to people with EVs that there is a 4-hour time limit when using the chargers. The expectation is that the vehicles will be moved to appropriate parking after 4 hours.  
  • Post Office Updates: Packages far exceed flat mail delivery to campus. The Post Office has seen a surge in students and staff coming to get mail between 1 and 3 p.m., if possible, come at other times. Package processing times are back to roughly 1 business day. Please wait until you receive an email from the TU Post Office to come get your package. Package lockers are helping, and expansion is in the works.  
  • If you are taking annual leave and are asked to work on that day, it is important that your timesheet accurately reflects the time you are off and the time you are working.  
  • Menstrual product dispensers have been placed in first floor gender inclusive restrooms, or in both men’s and women’s restrooms if an all gender restroom is not available.  
  • New outdoor electronic signs are being planned around campus.  
  • Campus infrastructure projects remain on track.  
  • Lori Frantz is retiring at the end of September. Congratulations, Lori! 
  • Shoutout to Facilities Management staff who tackled a series of challenges related to recent storm damage that happened in a very short period of time.  
  • Academic Senate now has a full cabinet of elected officers. 
  • USM is working on ease of transfer for course credits.  
  • RPAC Strategic Initiatives process has launched again for FY25. Contact if you have questions. Don’t be afraid to submit your great ideas! 
  • TUSS Executive Board ordered name tags for senators and will be meeting with VP Hurte to follow up on off-peak dining options feedback. 
  • CUSS: Hosted by UMCP this month. Open Enrollment should open on October 16th. Domestic Partners and Dependents of Domestic Partnerships will be covered. TU will host USM Board of Regents meeting on November 10th, staff are encouraged to attend the general session. CUSS reviewed a reasonable accommodation policy for religious days absence.  
  • TUSS Policy Review Committee will be reviewing TU’s Secondary Employment Policy.  
  • Events and Engagement Committee: Homecoming Decorating Contest Registration closes at 6 p.m. on 9/29.  
  • Discussion held about co-sponsoring a bone marrow donor swab event with Accessibility and Disability Services.  


What is one thing that would help you connect your role at TU to student recruitment and retention? Let us know your thoughts at 




Board of Regents Staff Awards 

Nominations for the annual Board of Regents Staff Awards will open in the fall. Know someone deserving of this higest-level recognition? Start planning your nomination letter now. Self-nominations are accepted. Learn more about categories on our website,  

Top Tigers 

Congratulations to Molly Wortman, Nurah El-Fayoumy, Aidevo Longe, Brian Starkloff, Sara Diventi, Quentin Brown, and Jessica Scovens.  

Top Tigers receive a recognition certificate and a lunch credit in honor of their work in making TU a great place! If you have received exceptional service from a staff member, please nominate them for a Top Tiger Award. TU faculty, staff and students can nominate TU staff members by submitting a Top Tiger Nomination Form:  


TUSS Meeting: October 18, 2023, 1 p.m.
Zoom Direct Link:
Meeting ID: 987 0275 2003
Passcode: TUSSZoom 

USM Board of Regents Meeting at TU: Friday, November 10, 2023 

Council of University System Staff Meeting hosted by TU: April 9, 2024 


Senator Spotlight: Caroyln Harris, Student Affairs Division

How long have you worked at TU?

I’ve worked at TU for just over a year. My first day was August 24, 2022, the first day of Welcome to TU, which was an amazing introduction to my office and to programming on campus.

What is your department and what does your position entail?

I work as the Director of Student Activities, and the department manages student organizations, student leadership, and campus programming. My role is to support the efforts of the entire staff, creating a vision, and advocating for our needs.

What do you enjoy the most about your job?

What I love most about my job is working with students. I’m the advisor for Student Government Association and they bring some much joy, light, and moments of learning to my daily engagement. Helping them learn to become the best version of themselves is so rewarding.

What do you do to relax?

My favorite ways to relax and disconnect from work are being in community with chosen family. I love exploring Baltimore City and the surrounding area. There are so many events and programs offered in the are to meet new people and learn more about the city. I also love a good day of relaxation, sitting around the house, cooking a good meal, and binging on a good television show.

What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I’m from California! Most people wonder why I would ever leave. I left home for graduate school and have made my way across a few regions of the U.S.

If you could have any one skill or talent that you don’t already have, what would it be?

Computer coding. It seems like a pretty useful and cool skill to have, but my mind just doesn’t think that way.

Why did you decide to get involved with the TUSS?

Representation and voice really matter to me. I hope to create positive, sustainable change for staff on campus using my voice to advocate for what’s right.


Please visit our website for more information about TUSS, details about upcoming meetings, the list of senators, and details about staff awards: 

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This post was written by Primrose, Greg