New security settings may affect delivery of emails sent using Constant Contact or third-party services starting Monday

The Office of Technology Services is improving and enhancing the security of our email communication by implementing Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC). This new system goes into effect on Monday, June 5.   

As communicated in April to Constant Contact users, email sent from addresses by any third-party provider/software application (i.e. Listservs) must be configured within the new DMARC system to ensure successful delivery.    

How to fix delivery issues
If emails are sent on behalf of your department or organization using a software application or third party such as Constant Contact, here’s what you need to do: 

  • Starting on June 5: if you experience email send failures, submit a TechHelp service request.  
  • If you’ve recently contacted OTS about this, we’re working on it and you should be all set. 
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This post was written by Weldon, Jennifer