Instructional Technology Heather Swinder Dissertation Defense Announcement
The Instructional Technology doctoral program invites the university community to a dissertation defense for Heather Swinder.
Chair, Dissertation Committee: Dr. Bill Sadera
Committee Members: Dr. Scot McNary, Dr. Andrea Harkins-Brown, Dr. Clare Kruft
Title of Dissertation: K-12 Teachers’ Preparedness for Integrating One-to-One Technology: Measuring Digital Competence
Date of Defense: April 19, 2023
Time of Defense: 10:00 am
Location: Psychology Building Rm. 312
Abstract: One-to-one technology in education refers to learning environments where every student has access to their own device (ISTE, 2022). These environments are quite different from traditional classrooms and require an alternative approach to teaching. While a current trend in K-12 Public Schools across the United States is to equip classrooms with one-to-one devices, many studies acknowledge the lack of focus on teacher preparation for effective instruction in one-to-one learning environments. Through a descriptive analysis, this study utilizes a cross-sectional descriptive survey, that reflects predetermined digital competencies for the student-centered, one-to-one educator, to measure and describe teachers’ preparedness for effective instruction in such environments. The results describe teachers’ digital competency skill levels and the frequency with which competencies are implemented into instructional practices and the relationships between skill level and frequency of use as well as skill level, frequency of use, and participant demographics. These results of this study provide a framework to guide teachers with effective one-to-one implementation practices and offer professional development resources.
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Walczak, Robin