Faculty Cohort on Writing Pedagogy

The TU Writing Center is now accepting faculty applications for our 2023 Cohort on Writing Pedagogy.

Faculty selected to participate will earn a $1000 stipend to participate in the week-long professional development seminar that covers contemporary best practices for teaching writing across the curriculum, including assignment design and assessment, discipline-based threshold concepts, and collaboration with course-embedded tutors.

The seminar takes place on campus July 24-27, 2023. Participants will meet from 10am-3pm with lunch provided each day. All faculty participants will have the opportunity to embed a highly trained student writing fellow into a writing-intensive course in fall 2023. Learn more and apply!

Faculty partners gain strategies for improving writing instruction and a supportive community dedicated to freshening pedagogy. Student Writing Fellows benefit faculty by serving as intermediaries between faculty and students, reporting patterns of concern among students and providing insights on student misunderstandings about assignment prompts and rubrics.

Faculty chosen to participate would be asked to meet the following expectations:

  • Attend the week-long Summer Writing Pedagogy Retreat and complete all assigned reading and homework
  • Revise syllabus, signature assignment(s), and rubric(s) for the fellowed course
  • Provide mentoring and guidance for embedded Writing Fellow in the fall (required) and spring (optional) semester
  • Attend pre-semester and mid-term faculty cohort meetings during active terms

Application Criteria for Faculty

  • Teach a writing-intensive course in any discipline. Courses are considered “writing-intensive” if they include 2 or more major writing assignments that incorporate revision. Priority will be given to faculty who teach TSEM and Core 9 classes.
  • Provide a syllabus and sample writing assignment for the course you would like to fellow. (Drafts of these documents are acceptable.)

2023 Application Timeline for Faculty

  • Applications due May 5, 2023
  • Deliberations May 6-10, 2023
  • Decisions announced May 11, 2023
  • Summer Writing Pedagogy Retreat July 24-27, 2023

Contact Mairin Barney at ebarney@towson.edu or visit https://www.towson.edu/cla/centers/writing/faculty/writing-fellows.html for more information.

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This post was written by Barney, E. Mairin