Dean Mullen’s Sabbatical Lecture Series: Dr. Meghan Liebfreund
Comprehension Growth in a Virtual Reading Clinic: A Case Study of Teachers Supporting Below-Level Readers in Grades 3-5
Dr. Liebfreund will present a case study that examined how TU Reading Clinic teachers supported below-level readers who made reading comprehension gains in the virtual clinic. Data sources included case reports, teacher lesson plans with reflections, and recorded instructional sessions for five teacher-student dyads with students in grades 3-5. Data sources were analyzed using constant comparative analysis and parallel analysis of instructional strategies. Findings indicated that teachers provided strategy instruction with an emphasis on creating a virtual environment that responded to the whole learner, selecting authentic text that motivated readers, and supporting reader success through developing their metacognition. This study will inform research and practice, especially the work preparing literacy teachers in the TU Reading Clinic and the College of Education.
Tuesday, December 6th
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Hawkins Hall 110
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Miller, Kendall