Sabbatical Presentation by William Kleinsasser, Department of Music, College of Fine Arts and Communication
William Kleinsasser, Professor in the Department of Music, presents his sabbatical talk on Friday, December 2, 3:00pm on Zoom. The title of his presentation is “Completing Composition Draftworks – Software Tools for Musical Composition.“
During Dr. Kleinsasser’s sabbatical, he completed and published online the seventh installment to his Shared Software Project called Composition Draftworks. The new addition is a set of 70+ composition utilities and tools all combined using a matrix approach for all of the composition drafting modules so that any of their processes can run independently, in parallel, or in serial relation to all other processes in order to help create and develop musical composition ideas. Kleinsasser’s hope is that the collection will more fully open his compositions, creative process, and musical thinking to those who might be interested and curious about similar exploration and creativity. In an important and personal way, Composition Draftworks, and the larger Shared Software Project, in addition to his compositions themselves, are a direct reflection of how he has thought and worked as a composer. He sees this collection as an unorthodox text illuminating his evolving take on creating music.
Professor Kleinsasser’s sabbatical talk will be presented as part of COFAC’s Colloquium 53 on Friday, December 2, at 3:00pm on Zoom.
The Zoom link may be found here (passcode Colloquium).
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This post was written by Zyne, Paula C.