International Education Week: Today’s Events

TU International is pleased to invite all students, faculty, and staff to participate in International Education Week 2022. This joint initiative from the U.S. Departments of Education and State highlights new and continuing international activities on campus. It starts Monday (Nov. 14) and will continue throughout the week with events, interactive activities, information sessions and more!

Today’s Events:

Creative Confluence: South Asian Community Reflections, Connections, and Dialogue 
11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Asian Arts Gallery
Discover the intersecting and distinct experiences of 21 South Asian artists who share their perspectives on lineage, self-identity, ideas of homeland, spiritual traditions, sensory experience, and connections to the natural world.

Marketing Your Study Abroad & Away Experience  
12 p.m.
Psychology Building, Rm. #407
Have you already studied abroad or away during your time at TU? Are you interested in studying abroad or away? Join us to discover how your experience beyond the borders of TU can boost your professional development and career prospects! Learn how to incorporate your experience in your resume, cover letters, and job interviews. Meet returnees and reflect together on all the learning and growth you’re experiencing now or will experience. Feel free to bring your lunch!

Study Abroad/Away Group Advising
2 p.m.
Psychology Building, Rm. #408
Come to a group advising session to learn about studying abroad or away with TU.

TU International Open House
3 p.m. – 5 p.m. with remarks at 3:30 p.m.
Psychology Building, 4th floor
Celebrate International Education Week 2022 at the TU International Open House! Join Vice-Provost Cynthia Cooper, AVP for International Initiatives Christopher Powers, and the rest of the TU International staff for food, drinks, and music. Click here to RSVP.

All Around the World
5 p.m. -7 p.m.
Global Village Multipurpose room
Experience the cultures and snacks of International TU students at this annual signature event! Hosted by Global Village. 

Lecture: Artist Gabrielle Vainsencher
6:30 p.m.
Art Lecture Hall, Center for the Arts, Rm. #2032
Nationally and international recognized artists, Gabrielle Veinsencher was born in Buenos Aires, raised in Tel Aviv, and currently lives in Montclair, New Jersey. Her porcelain sculptures combine matter, concept, abstractions, composition, and color. Event sponsored by: Academic Affairs and the College of Fine Arts and Communication.

World Artists Experiences Fall Virtual Symposium: Saving Culture
Virtual Summit #2: Keeping Culture Alive

7 p.m.
Zoom – click here to register
Katharine Fernstrom (Anthropologist and archaeologist specializing in indigenous North American and Pacific Island topics) and Yolanda Alcorta (Board member of the Friends of the Ixchel Museum) will explore two examples of successful cultural heritage preservation, including the Gullah Geechee culture and Maya weaving. Victoria Smalls (Executive Director at Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor National Heritage Area) will discuss the Gullah Geechee people who have traditionally resided in the coastal areas and the sea islands of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Ms. Alcorta is a textile curator who will discuss the cultural significance of weaving and textiles among cultures of Maya descent. example of cultural preservation.

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This post was written by Campbell, Nicholas S.