Stratus Financials Training & Information

Stratus is TU’s modern business platform. It launched on July 11 to standardize and simplify TU business processes as part of a long-term modernization initiative.  Here’s what you need to know:

What Changed

Stratus replaced PeopleSoft Financials. In the new system, employees can enter their own requisitions and expenses, including travel, ProCard and employee reimbursements. Supervisors review and approve requisitions, expenses and expense reports. Cost center managers and financial stewards perform final reviews and audits. Depending on your office’s process, you might be an individual delegated to enter expense items and reports on someone else’s behalf. Students do not have access to Stratus Financials–they should use DocuSign for travel expenses.

Who’s Impacted

Impacts are greatest for employees using PeopleSoft to perform financial functions, such as budgeting, reporting, and procurement, because those processes have changed. Additionally, anyone traveling for university business will use the new system to submit expenses.

System Access & Training

Stratus is accessible via a dedicated tile on MyTU. Faculty and staff can learn how to use the system by watching videos and accessing self-help docs and FAQs. They’re available on the functional area’s webpages:

If you need assistance after completing training, email


Besides offering streamlined and modernized business systems, Stratus provides:

  • Improved efficiency and fewer manual processes
  • Convenience through notifications and alerts
  • Simplicity with reduced add-ons and workarounds
  • Real-time information on budget availability
  • Fewer external spreadsheets
  • Quarterly updates providing new functionality

For more information about the project, visit the Stratus website.

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This post was written by Gorsuch, Pamela