Present Your Research Online During Akita International University Research Week
Akita International University (AIU) in Japan invites abstracts from faculty members at partner universities from around the world who wish to share their current and past research with AIU and the broader higher education community. AIU’s annual Research Week was established in 2017 in order to provide a venue for faculty and students to share their research interests and their recent findings with the campus and wider community. In order to expand upon the success of this event, in 2022 we are inviting presentations from faculty members at AIU’s partner institutions to strengthen existing research connections and to foster new collaborative research in areas of mutual interest. The event will be held online and accepted presentations will be shared through a dedicated website. Presentations will take the form of pre-recorded video files which will be shared within the AIU community and our network of 200+ partner institutions.
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
- Complete and submit the Partner University Abstract Submission Form before 5pm on Thursday, September 1, 2022 (Japan Standard Time). Abstracts must be in English.
- The following information must be included on the submission:
- The full name of the presenting author
- Your current appointment & place of work address
- Daytime telephone number
- Current email address
- All co-authors, their affiliation and email address
- By submitting your abstract, you are confirming that all the co-authors have approved the submission, and they agree to your abstract being presented at AIU’s Research Week event and appearing on the university website.
- The abstract should be approximately 300 words not including title/authors/declarations.
- The abstract should not contain bibliographic references, tables or appendices.
- Submitted abstracts will be subject to a selection process based on the information provided. If your submission does not meet these requirements, it may not be selected for presentation.
Note: Approved abstracts will be given the opportunity for priority of publication in the university journal, the AIU Global Review.
For more information please contact:
Travis Senzaki
International Collaboration Officer
Akita International University
193-2 Okutsubakidai, Yuwa
Tsubakigawa, Akita, 010-1292, Japan
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Campbell, Nicholas S.