Stratus Purchasing
When Stratus launches July 11, it will modernize, standardize and simplify TU business processes. All employees will be able to enter purchase requisitions and travel authorizations, while existing PeopleSoft users will have expanded self-service capabilities. Get familiar with the Stratus project and complete training now for modules you expect to use after launch.
Purchase Requisitions, Orders & Receiving
Stratus empowers every employee to enter their own purchase requisition. Request forms and Procurement manuals are available directly inside the system. The intuitive interface makes it easy to track the status and see who’s approving, while notifications alert you to outstanding approvals. You can check if you have the funds to cover a purchase, search for historic documents entered in Stratus and use simple tools to create reports. Watch the purchasing video, then read on for tips, tricks and training on Stratus purchasing.
Working with Requisitions
See how to create a purchase requisition and add supporting documentation. Learn how to approve a purchase requisition and confirm the charge account name and number. You can also search for requisitions and associated purchase orders, duplicate a requisition, withdraw and edit a requisition or prepare a requisition for another requestor. After receiving your item, find out how to locate your purchase order and create a receipt.
Once you review the self-help docs, test your purchasing skills in the training environment. Remember to use the “Company Single Sign-On” button to log in with your TU username and password.
Make Approvals Work for You
Stratus routes requisitions to the cost center manager (CCM) for approval. However, if needed departments can choose to have CCMs reroute requisitions to an initial approver (like a technical specialist) before CCM approval. Departments have the flexibility to determine and implement a process that works best for their area.
Anyone Can Enter Receiving
In Stratus, anyone can enter receiving for a purchase order. It’s recommended to create a receipt as soon as an item is delivered or service is rendered to ensure an error-free payment process. Creating a receipt also allows for attachments and documenting complex transactions. If needed, the system can trigger an email notification to confirm receipt so Accounts Payable can process invoice payment, though this method doesn’t allow for attachments.
Departments can choose to designate one person to be their official receiver, or have each requester do their own receiving. We encourage supervisors to establish their own processes based on what works best for their department.
Tips & Tricks
It’s helpful to use filters when searching for receipts, requisitions or purchase orders. Try filtering by when you have “Items Due.” You can choose whatever timeframe applies to your situation. We find selecting “last 7 days” often works best.
You can open duplicate tabs to make working in Stratus easier. Once logged in, right-click on the browser tab, then choose duplicate. You can now work in both windows. When you perform an action in the duplicate window, refresh the original window to see the action reflected there as well.
Learn More
- Access training materials, FAQ, the Stratus glossary and more on the Stratus Training webpage.
- Contact the project team with general questions or a Change Agent with specific questions about a process for your office.
- For assistance after completing training, sign up for a one-on-one session with a Stratus expert.
Tags: financials, navigation, OTS, stratus, Training
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Gorsuch, Pamela