Spring 2022 Awardees of the Dan Jones Writing Prizes in the College of Liberal Arts
The College of Liberal Arts provides annual awards to honor and celebrate exemplary undergraduate writing across a range of disciplines and programs within the College. Students’ papers are nominated by faculty members. These awards are made possible by an endowment gift in memory of Dan Jones, former Professor of English, Chair, Dean, Provost, and Interim President at Towson University. This Spring’s awardees are:
- Charlotte Brown for the paper, The Russian Federation Bureau of Global Health, in the Social Sciences category
- Eddie Sciannella for the paper, The Inherent Violence of Queer Love (As Told With Deconstructuralism Within Queer Theory), in the Humanities category
- Phillip Spain for the paper, Something in the Water: Hazards of Travel and Pilgrimage on the Gokaido in Tokugawa Japan, in the Lower Division Course category
Congratulations to these students!
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This post was written by Zyne, Paula C.