TODAY! PAGS Department – Spring 2022 Seminar Series
Join the PAGS Department for the Spring 2022 Seminar Series featuring:
Dr. Rommel J. Miranda,
Professor Department of Physics, Astronomy and Geosciences
President, Association for Science Teacher Education
“Inclusive Excellence Professional Development for
STEM Faculty Developing Course-based Undergraduate Research
Experiences (CUREs)”
This sabbatical presentation will provide an overview of an HHMI-funded Inclusive Excellence professional development program which focuses on two overarching goals: 1) reform science laboratory courses to incorporate authentic research experiences via course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs), and 2) provide professional development for postsecondary STEM faculty to promote effective inclusive teaching practices. This presentation will also provide an overview of a manuscript (Recommendations for CUREs in Mathematics) submitted to the journal, The Mathematics Enthusiast, and a manuscript (Identifying New Small Proteins through a Molecular Biology CURE Laboratory Class) submitted to the journal, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. This presentation will further present preliminary findings about STEM faculty members’ beliefs about the influence of their year-long professional learning community’s professional development program (PLC-PD) on their inclusive teaching practices, as well as their motivation for developing CURE courses and their challenges and breakthroughs when implementing CURE courses. This presentation can help to inform and guide STEM faculty who are interested in developing CUREs and creating a curriculum and support system that allows both traditional and non-traditional students, especially under-represented ethnic minority students, to participate in authentic research projects.
Friday, May 13, 2022
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Charles, Amanda G.