Become a Sexual Health or Sexual Assault Peer Educator!

Are you interested in educating your fellow students on sexual health or sexual violence prevention? Apply to become a peer educator!

The Health center has two peer education groups recruiting new members for next year!
The Sexual Assault Peer Educators (SAPE) are TU students who are trained to provide the TU community with consent education and the skills needed to recognize and prevent sexual violence.
The Sexual Health Awareness Group (SHAG), are TU students who are trained to provide inclusive and comprehensive education about various sexual health topics.

In order to become a SAPE or SHAG, you should be able to commit to a full year of membership (we take graduate students, too!), as well as 20 hours a semester towards supporting Health Center programming, outreach, and events. Graduate students are welcome too!

to learn more about SAPE and SHAG, and to apply, check out our website:

Questions? Email Karli DeGraw, Assistant Director for Health Education and Promotion at

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This post was written by Rixham, Judith R.