CUSF Faculty Surveys: Academic Integrity and Cybersecurity
Dear Colleague,
The Council of University System Faculty (CUSF) is interested in learning about USM faculty attitudes towards academic integrity and about faculty experiences with cybersecurity while engaging in University business. To that end, the Council has developed two short, anonymous surveys for all faculty, described below. Can you help by filling out the surveys? Each one should take about 10 minutes.
Faculty Attitudes towards Academic Integrity
The Council of University System Faculty’s (CUSF) academic integrity workgroup needs YOUR help understanding what faculty perceive to be violations of academic integrity vs. what students perceive as misconduct. To build a culture of integrity, we must understand the impact of crowdsourcing on writing, problem-solving, study groups, sharing ideas, emerging technology shortcuts, and so on. The literature suggests students have a perspective on what constitutes cheating that’s very generational (Dimrod, 2020; Pew Research, 2015), rooted in situational and individual factors, and different from their instructors (Jurdi et al., 2012). Please help CUSF identify faculty attitudes on academic integrity by jotting down your thoughts on the questions in our anonymous survey at The survey should take you no more than 10 minutes to complete. We will be collecting survey responses through Friday, February 11, 2022.
Faculty Cybersecurity Knowledge and Needs
The Council of University System Faculty (CUSF) would like your help in assessing the cybersecurity knowledge and needs of USM faculty. We have developed a short survey in which faculty can share their priorities and experiences in relation to cybersecurity when engaging in University business. The anonymous survey can be found at and should take about 10 minutes to complete. Please let us know your thoughts by taking the survey. We will be collecting survey responses through Friday, February 11, 2022.
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Crump, Kameron