Emergency Alert Improvements – Update/Add Your Phone Number
Keeping our campus community safe is paramount. Preventing and responding to emergencies begins with providing you with information quickly. Building on TU’s commitment to campus safety, all students, faculty and staff will soon begin receiving emergency text message alerts. This important notification change will improve the delivery of critical campus safety messages.
Prior to the start of the spring term, all TU community members should provide or add a mobile phone number.
For students: Log in to your Student Dashboard and either confirm your current mobile number is correct OR add a mobile number if one isn’t already listed.
For faculty and staff: Visit your myTU personal information summary and either confirm your current mobile number is correct OR add a mobile number if one isn’t already listed. NOTE: a permanent number may be shown in your account, however a mobile number must be listed for emergency text alerts. If your permanent number listed is your mobile number you should ADD your number as a new number and label it as “mobile.”
Thank you for your help in improving campus alerts, for safety, severe weather and other emergencies. TU is committed to ensuring you’re always protected and continues to be one of America’s safest college campuses.
TU Office of Public Safety
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Baldwin, Timm