Earn up to $200 for Professional Development Opportunities!

Interested in joining a professional organization, attending a conference, or earning a skill certificate?

The Cultural Competency & Social Justice Practices Award (PDF) will provide you up to $200 in funding to support your professional and career development by enhancing your knowledge, perspective, and skills in cultural competence, anti-bias education, and social justice practices.

Eligible ways you can use the funding:

  • Paying part or all of student dues to join a professional association
  • Taking courses offered through professional associations to gain certification in a particular skill
  • Gaining access to intellectual material or technological resources
  • Attending or presenting at a scholarly and/or professional event (i.e. conference, seminar, lecture, exhibition, or performance)

All applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis through Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. Email Sidney Pink at spink@towson.edu if you have any questions.

Submit Your Application by December 15.

Pro Tip: You can find professional associations, conferences, and other industry-based organizations through the Career Resources by Major pages and through the various Identity-Based Resources on the Career Center website.

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This post was written by Rixham, Judith R.