Storm water management starts with you!
An informed and knowledgeable campus community is crucial to the success of the university’s storm water management program because it helps ensure the following:
- Greater support for the program as the campus community gains a greater understanding of the reasons why it is necessary and important
- Greater compliance with the program as the campus community becomes aware of the personal responsibilities expected of them and others, including the individual action they can take to protect or improve the quality of area waters.
Therefore, to assist in accomplishing this goal, the Department of Environmental Health and Safety has included on its web page a new section entitled “Storm Water Management”. It can be accessed by clicking here.
Included are links to EPA storm water documents and the video “After the Storm”; Towson University’s Storm Water Overview and Management Program as well as information on storm water research and education. The site will be updated with other documents/information as they become available.
Please review the site. If you have any questions, contact EHS at X4-2949.
Tags: environmental health and safety, storm waterCategorised in: General
This post was written by Douglas, Rafiq