Faculty Opportunities in Study Abroad/Away: Faculty-Led Programs
Faculty Opportunities in Study Abroad/Away: Faculty-Led Programs
Friday, October 1
12 – 1:30 pm
Join Zoom Meeting: https://towson-edu.zoom.us/j/97492224086?pwd=dWQ3TnVxRCs2QU4rNnV6N1FQeGZxZz09
Meeting ID: 974 9222 4086
Passcode: 69264776
Are you interested in a teaching a TU course in context abroad or elsewhere in the U.S.? Come to our information session to learn about opportunities to lead a short-term study abroad (international) or study away (domestic) academic program.
“Study abroad combines several of my passions: travel, teaching, and working with young people. From teacher, to mentor, to tour guide, to counselor … I’ve learned that I have the temperament, curiosity, energy, compassion, and desire to simultaneously perform these functions and am developing the knowledge and skills to carry them out. The benefits to being involved in this study abroad program are invaluable for me personally and professionally.” Dr. Sandy Nichols – Department of Mass Communication
Proposals for faculty-led study abroad/away programs to run in Minimester or Spring Break 2023 are due NOVEMBER 1, 2021. Proposals for faculty-led study abroad/away programs to run in Summer 2023 are due APRIL 1, 2022.
For more information about TU faculty-led study abroad/away programs, the proposal process, and the proposal form please visit the TU Study Abroad website at www.towson.edu/academics/international/abroad/faculty/programs/ or contact Liz Shearer, Director for Study Abroad at lshearer@towson.edu to discuss ideas for a program.
Categorised in: General
This post was written by Sobecki, Kelsey